It is understood and agreed that the Greater Kingston Hockey Association, The Limestone City Cup, tournament sponsors, Directors, Members and Team Officials assume no liability or responsibility for injuries or other loss of any kind as a result of participation in the tournament or when traveling to and from the Limestone City Cup Tournament. All players, team officials and league representatives of the applicant will abide by the Hockey Canada and tournament rules and regulations.
It is also understood that pictures from teams participating in sanctioned tournament events may be used for promotional features on the Limestone City Cup website and social medias.
By submitting this form, I confirm that I have the authority to register my team in the event and to agree to these terms and conditions in the name of the team. I also understand that my team's place in the tournament will be held for 14 days, following which, if no payment has been received, my team will return to first come first serve on the priority list until such a time as the payment is received to secure your registration.