Registration, Taylor Hall Classic, 2020-2021 (Greater Kingston AAA Hockey)

Please use the online link to register your team

1. We are asking for a $500 deposit to secure your teams spot. 
2. FINAL PAYMENT is due by October 1, 2021. 
3. Cheque payment is made out to: Greater Kingston Minor Hockey Association.
4. Mail your deposit to Philip MacLean GKHA 730 Front Rd K
ingston, ON K7M 6P7.   
5. Book your Hotel blocks via our listed play and stay hotels on this website.  The AMBASSADOR is our lead hotel and please start your block booking with them.  After June 15, 2021 our other partnering hotels will be posted.

Rosters and Travel permits to follow in the fall.
Schedule and updated rules for 2021 will be posted for mid December.
Gamesheet Inc. will be used for game tracking for online scores, schedules and standings.