The 2019 Taylor Hall Cup Classic
Brought to you by the Greater Kingston Junior Frontenacs Hockey Association
Sanction #8053
January 11, 12 & 13, 2019, AAA Tournament Only
$1500 per Team Entry Fee, 4 Games Guaranteed
4 Divisions (Minor Atom, Atom, Minor Peewee, Peewee)
10 Teams per Division, Top 4 Teams Make Sunday Playoff Rounds
Player of Games Awards for Every Game
NO gate fees.
Games played at the Kingston Invista Centre and the Napanee Strathcona Paper Center
Space is limited, please register your team ASAP to ensure your participation.
In order for your team to become eligible for acceptance, please:
1. Email Tournament Director the following:
-- Team Name and Age Group
-- Your League Name
-- Name, Email and Cell Numbers for the TWO primary Team Contacts
2. Send your payment of the entry fees within 14 days of Application
Payment cheques are to be made payable to “Greater Kingston Hockey Association” and mailed to:
Attention Philip MacLean, Tournament Director
Greater Kingston Hockey Association
c/o Invista Center
1350, Gardiners Road
Kingston, ON K7P 0E5
Teams will be notified by email of their acceptance in the Taylor Hall Cup Classic AAA Tournament. Tournament rules, scheduled games and hotel information will be forwarded to the selected teams and made available online.
All inquiries, questions or concerns must be directed by email to [email protected]

Courtyard Marriott Kingston