Mar 18, 2021 | Tim Closs | 1522 views
Hockey Update
Hello, To All Greater Kingston Hockey Families,
I wanted to take a minute and bring everyone up to date on
what is happening in the Greater Kingston Hockey Association.
The GK Bboard has decided to bring the 2020/2021 season to a close on April 18th, 2021. It has certainly been a tough year, but I give all of our members a lot of credit on the energy you have put in with getting your players to the rink and the patience you have maintained through these troubling times. I also want to thank all the coaches for the hard work they have put into the program in such a challenging year. As we progressed through the year some of the GK teams were fortunate enough to be able to play against Quinte Red Devils and that was a real bonus for our two associations, as we were the only two associations playing in the entire ETA area.
I would like to ask all of the GK families to please be careful when going out of town to hockey camps and unsanctioned tournaments. Sometimes I think we get caught in the excitement of it all and forget about the consequences that it could bring to our communities when we arrive back home. I just would like you to remember that sometimes we need to ask ourselves if it is really worth it to go into the GTA or larger city areas and take a chance of bringing COVID back to a city where we have been very fortunate enough to remain mostly green throughout the Pandemic.
Currently 0MHA is in conversation with OHF to finalize the tryout periods for the 2021/2022 season. We do know for sure that tryouts will take place in early September. As more information is given to Greater Kingston Hockey, we will share it with our members but at this time there has been no finalization of any dates as conversations are still in progress.
The Spring Annual General Meeting will take place this year in May. Please watch the GK Web for further information. There are five board positions available. There is an application process available online for those who are interested. I encourage members from the younger age groups to consider applying. There is no better time to learn the process of administrating a hockey league then at the younger ages. This allows you to learn as your player moves up through the age groups and to see and understand the changes that take place every year with the game and the administration side of it.
Thank you all again,
Scott Trueman
613-536-8438 cell