Throughout the off-season, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association has been working closely
with its governing bodies, the Ontario Hockey Federation and Hockey Canada, and the
Ontario Government to ensure the Return to Hockey plans put the safety of our Players,
Coaches, Officials, Administrators and Volunteers at the forefront.
Our goal has been to return to traditional programming as much as we could come
September, and the OHF's Return to Hockey plan focuses on ensuring a great experience
under the current circumstances. We are excited with the created framework that will
bring back the elements of the season that we are used to like tryouts, tournaments
and championships.
We've all been living with the impacts of COVID-19 over the last year and a half and have
made adjustments across our activities within our communities. This is why we are excited
to get back to the rink in just a short amount of time and play the game that we all love in
the way that we fell in love with it.
While our framework is always evolving, the OMHA and its Return to Hockey plan recognizes
that hockey must comply with Public Health requirements. We will be following the province's
Roadmap to Reopen Ontario which is comprised of three steps.
Facility management and capacity may vary by public health unit or arena.
We are just as excited as you are to be returning to the rink and getting a new season
underway. Let's keep hockey going for everyone and stay safe by following all of the
protocols put in place. We are all teammates in this.