Please take a moment to read this article from Hockey Canada
Hockey Canada
Bulletin No.: I2501
To: Hockey Canada Directors
Member Presidents/Chairs
Life Patrons
Member Executive Directors/CEOs
Hockey Canada Staff: Senior Leadership Team and Member Engagement
Date: January 10, 2025
From: Connie Klassen, Director, Injury Prevention & Mental Wellness
Hockey Canada
SUBJECT: Face Protector Tinting
This is an important notice regarding certification requirements for facial protectors in ice hockey.
The use of after-market tints or face protectors with tints are not approved by Bauer, CCM or Warrior.
These manufacturers have contacted Hockey Canada to indicate that the utilization of these products
voids the CSA certification on their equipment.
The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) has also confirmed that these products do not have CSA
As per Hockey Canada Playing Rules – Rule 3.6(b):
While on the ice, including pre-game warm-ups, all players, including goaltenders, will wear a
CSA-certified hockey helmet, to which a CSA certified facial protector must be securely attached
and not altered in any way. Any alteration to a CSA-certified helmet or facial protector
automatically destroys the certification.
Subsequently, the utilization of these tinted products would be a violation of Hockey Canada Playing Rules
– Rule 3.6(b).
Connie Klassen
Director, Injury Prevention & Mental Wellness
Hockey Canada
