Carson Caddick, Roster, U16, 2022-2023 (Greater Kingston AAA Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
Player Profile
Carson Caddick Photo
#25 Carson Caddick
Position(s): Forward
5' 10" / 158 lbs
Born: 2007
From: Amherstview
  • Bio
    Activities:  Hockey and workout
    Pregame Ritual:  A chocolate chip cookie
    Future plans:  To go as far as i can in hockey
    Who is someone you admire? And why?  Auston Matthews, i really take a lot from him as a player and try and model my game after his because he contributes hugely offensively and also takes care of hus defensive zone very well
    Outside of hockey, is there someone you admire? And why?  My parents, the reason for this is because they are both very hard working people that will do whatever it takes to help me get to where i want to be in life on and off the ice so i take i try my best to always make them both proud whether that be as a person or a hockey player 
    What are you happiest doing, when you’re not playing sports?  Spending time with friends
    What is your favorite song/band to listen to prior to competing?  Lose yourself by Eminem 
  • Stats
    Player Statistics
    No statistics entered