We hope you have been enjoying this fantastic summer so far! We are just over a month away from tryouts.
Here is the tryout schedule for the 2022-2023 season. Even if you have never played GK Hockey before, you are invited to come out this year.
As a reminder, returning players' tryout fees have been waived again for the upcoming season.
If you are already part of the GK Family, and have played before, or haven't tried out in previous years, please get in contact with our Treasurer at
[email protected] for more details.
Click here for the Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) link in order to sign up for the pre skates:
Click here for the Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) link in order to sign up for the tryouts:
The cost for the pre-skates is $60 for all 3 sessions, or $20 each.
The cost of the tryout (for new players is $190). If a non-returning player chooses to tryout after the 3rd skate, the fee will be $100.
Here is the link for the Permission to Skate from KAMHA.
Pre-skates Aug 15, 17, 19
Monday August 15 7:30pm to 8:30pm Desjardins Pad
Wednesday August 17 6:30pm to 7:30pm Desjardins Pad
Friday August 19 6:30pm to 7:30pm on Desjardins
Tryouts Aug 23 onwards
Tuesday August 23 6:30pm to 8:00pm Desjardins Pad
Wednesday August 24 6:30pm to 8:00pm Desjardins Pad
Thursday August 25 7:00pm to 8:30pm Selkirk Pad
Friday August 26 8:00pm to 9:30pm MNP Pad
Saturday August 27 3:00pm to 5:00pm Desjardins Pad
Sunday August 28 2:30pm to 4:30pm Desjardins Pad